Human Resource Unemployment Management Services

EinsteinHR handles all aspects of unemployment administration – including paperwork for your State Unemployment Insurance. Our experts can keep track of the paperwork, and assure that there are no erroneous claims or charges. Because your employee and business information has already been automated through our payroll system, we can verify the wage histories of your employees. We can also help reduce unemployment compensation costs by checking for erroneous charges, which may lead to a lower SUI experience rating. Timely processing can help eliminate unwarranted claims as well.

EinsteinHR’s service includes:
Claims management

  • Helps you avoid fines and retain rights to appeal with claims and appeal processing
  • Provides assistance with appeal hearing preparation
  • Provides a voluntary contribution analysis
  • Consult with unemployment specialists on proper separation documentation via a toll-free support line

Benefit charge auditing

  • Monitors and protests ineligible and erroneous charges.
  • Protects your SUI experience rating from miscalculations and oversights.
  • Provides record keeping

Toll-free support line

  • Provides quick, up-to-date answers to your questions about state and federal labor laws

Management report

  • Summarizes your company’s claim activity during the previous calendar year

EinsteinHR offers nationwide unemployment claim management services, get a quote.

For more information on EinsteinHR’s unemployment claim management services, contact an EinsteinHR unemployment claim management service specialist at 770-962-1700.

HR Human Resource Unemployment Management Services